Jim McGovern’s Art Exhibition

Welcome to my art exhibition. I hope you like it. A link to a high-resolution file is also provided for each image. You are welcome to download the files for non-commercial use in accordance with the Creative Commons license (see bottom of web page).
Forest Seat Monasterevin
May 2012
Coloured pencils on paper
250 mm × 250 mm
High resolution file 2331 px × 2333 px: forest_seat.jpg
Weblog entry: 28 Oct 2010
A pumpkin by Jim (aged 57)
October 2010
Acrylic on paper
297 mm × 210 mm
High resolution file 3393 px × 2397 px: pumpkin_by_jim.jpg
Weblog entry: 28 Oct 2010
Two blue fish and one yellow
August 2010
Charcoal on paper
250 mm × 250 mm
High resolution file 2697 px × 2682 px: twobluef.jpg
Weblog entry: 1 Sep 2010
Modernité s’impose (The modern world imposes Itself)
August 2010
Oil paint on board-backed canvas panel
355 mm × 254 mm
High resolution file 3435 px × 2465 px: modernite_oil.jpg
Weblog entries: 6 Aug 2010, 17 Aug 2010
Galerie (Gallery)
July 2010
Pencil and watercolour on paper
162 mm × 250 mm
High resolution file 2208 px × 3395 px: galerie.jpg
Weblog entry: 29 Jul 2010
Le bus de Nice à Antibes (The bus from Nice to Antibes)
July 2010
Watercolour on paper
250 mm × 250 mm
High resolution file 2624 px × 2607 px: bus_antibes.jpg
Weblog entry: 23 Jul 2010
Fruits en bol d'acier (Fruit in a steel bowl)
July 2010
Watercolour on paper
250 mm × 250 mm
High resolution file 2610 px × 2604 px: fruits_acier.jpg
Weblog entry: 23 Jul 2010
Femme lisant (A lady reading)
July 2010
Pencil and watercolour on paper
232 mm × 250 mm
High resolution file 2458 px × 2668 px: femme_lisant.jpg
Weblog entry: 23 Jul 2010
Feuilles dynamiques et une toile d’araignée (Dynamic leaves and a spider’s web)
July 2010
Pencil and watercolour on paper
222 mm × 250 mm
High resolution file 2315 px × 2608 px: feuilles.jpg
Weblog entries: 23 Jul 2010, 29 Jul 2010
Lido plage (Lido beach)
July 2010
Watercolour on paper
250 mm × 250 mm
High resolution file 2605 px × 2585 px: lido.jpg
Weblog entry: 22 Jul 2010
Ireland versus France football handball
Chinese ink and watercolour on paper
175 mm × 125 mm
High resolution file 4486 px × 3171 px: Handball_v03.jpg
Weblog entries: 21 Nov 2009, 10 Jun 2010, 27 Jun 2010
Lake Geneva lilies
Oil paint on board-backed canvas panel
300 mm × 300 mm
High resolution file 2596 px × 2590 px: GenevaLilies.jpg
Bád ar trá (Boat on beach)
Oil paint on board-backed canvas panel
303 mm × 254 mm
High resolution file 3144 px × 2622 px badartra.jpg
Sonas (Happiness)
Vector graphic
594 mm × 841 mm (A1-size)
Printable file (PDF): sonas.pdf
Weblog entry: 2 Dec 2010
A study of Perugino’s perspective
17 August 2007
Pencil on cartridge paper
410 mm × 2400 mm (roughly)
High resolution file 4920 px × 2884 px: Perugino_study
Weblog entry: 18 Sep 2010
Christchurch Hill Juggernaut
Scanned and tinted image of pencil sketch on cartridge paper
284 mm × 210 mm
High resolution file 2500 px × 1873 px (tinted): XChurchJ_C.jpg
High resolution file 2500 px × 1873 px (original): XChurchJ_BW.jpg
Weblog entry: 10 Oct 2010
Star flowers, the beginning
Stephanie and Jim McGovern
November 1990
Acrylic on canvas
1200 mm × 750 mm
High resolution file 3272 px × 2040 px: StarFlowers.jpg
Weblog entry: 4 Sep 2010
Each of the images on this page is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.