In today’s England vs Germany match in the World Cup an English goal was disallowed by the referee and match officials, even though millions of viewers around the world could see that the ball had clearly entered the goal. Would it not make sense for FIFA to ensure, as far as reasonably possible, that decisions are seen to be fair?
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Monthly Archives: June 2010
Back to Being a Senior Lecturer
A somewhat special experience I currently enjoy happens when people who know me (more or less well) refer in one friendly way or another to the fact that I have returned to being a senior lecturer—a true academic and practitioner—in my field of Mechanical Engineering. Very often the exchange begins with the person, of whom I am an acquaintance or friend, commenting that I seem far more relaxed or happier since I returned to the lecturing role. Judging from what people say to me, it sounds as though I appeared uncomfortable, unhappy, or both in the role of Head of School. Overall, this would not capture how I actually felt generally while I was in the role, although I am sure I felt like that on occasion. I felt proud and honoured to be in a role of serving learners and colleagues. I do not regret the time that I spent as Head of School and there are many memories that I cherish from that period.
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Office Odour
World Cup Technology Lesson
Further to my previous blog on the topic, I heard on TV that FIFA is to have two extra goal line officials in the World Cup to help detect incidents such as the Henry hand ball goal in the Ireland France World Cup qualifier match of 2009. I am not sure that the lesson has been learned, although I hope it has.
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